Thursday, May 27, 2010

Controversially Boring

We all know it's better to be feared than loved. And being unloved and unfeared is the worst ever. No one cares about that. But I ask is it better to be controversial or totally accepted?

So I watched the one and only aired episode of "Heil Honey I'm Home!" No surprise it was controversial, which is why I was initially interested in watching it. It also comes as no big surprise that it was cancelled after only one episode due to its controversial nature. What is controversial about a sitcom about Adolf at home with Eva and their obnoxious Jewish neighbors? I thought it was funny but maybe should have been the length of an SNL skit. I think it would get boring after the debut episode anyway once it's initial hullabaloo wore off.

I sometimes write blogs or whatnot that people dare to disagree with. Don't they know that I am insanely right all the time!

Sometimes I do this with the intention of convincing people of my rightness. Other times I hope they vehemently hate me (a rock needs no friends). Other times I hope they just click the "like" button. If I were a status would you click my "like" button?

I figure if everyone agrees with me then I am probably stating the obvious or commonly acceptedness. E.g., pie is yumtacular. Boring ya? Ya. Agreed.

A little controversy never hurt anyone. Except for minorities and lots of people in Nagasaki. Yulp see right there, controversy. This post is getting boring though.

I guess the most I can hope for is to be remembered as controversially boring. I should end with a bang so I can get lots of discussion going. Death panels will come for your grandma in her sleep! The moon landing was faked by Barack Insane Obama! Cake is for morons!


  1. Maybe if everyone agrees with you, it just means you hang out with people who are similar to you. I bet there are some circles where you could say any of those last three sentences and everyone there would agree.

  2. ...I was gonna comment on what you wrote, but after reading Betsy's response, all I can say is that she's awesome.
