Thursday, June 17, 2010

Passion without Hilarity

Spoiler alert: If you like President Obama Yo Mama a bit too much, then you may hate me for this blog post.

So after defending Rachel's rare Facebook political comment from besmirching in response to my apparently political charged status update about the unnecessary vilification of the oil industry, I totally disaffected my wife's uncle. I was also called condescending; now can you tell me something I don't know? (Notice my subtle way of making a condescending remark in a humorous way that dumb people won't get?)

So I learned a few things. Or rather I am now acknowledging things I pretty much just ignored in the past.

First, I see now why Rachel keeps her political views off Facebook. She loves her family too much: I don't really have that issue so much. Secondly, people do not take well to my casual yet passionate yet ridiculous style of debate. I often insert absurd arguments that require too much interpretation to understand. Sometimes I just insert ridiculous arguments. I.e., you know how the saying goes: when people make terrible incorrect assumptions it turns me into a democrat. I guess I like meeting ridiculousness in kind.

People also don't appreciate subtle insults such as Papa Obama. Apparently it is condescending to refer to Obama as a papa. Boy I bet these libs hate when people refer to Papa Smurf or Papa Elf that way (again with the absurdity!).

People take great offense to the phrase "Papa Obama." The funny thing is that if they knew how I coined the term they would have good cause but ironically they don't so why are they so offended? Beats me.

Which brings me to my next point. Jokes do not belong in an angry debate. Sorry that was redundant to say angry debate. Somehow I will never learn my lesson on this one; though I do enjoy it so.

And then they hold me to my own standards. When I said I prefer level headed debates I meant, I prefer listening to them not participating. Also that was just a joke. And so is what is just said. And this. This is also a joke. It never ends!

Seriously though, just because we don't see eye to nose, doesn't mean you can't take a joke. Besides level headedness does not have a place on Facebook. That's why I hate having church in a basketball court: it's out of place.

Facebook is for funny. When I want to act like a stuffed shirt I'll visit boring old Capitol Hill. I was just being humorish by pointing out your twenty-five superfluous exclamation points. Now I should end by doing something ironic!!!!!

I have to admit I started to feel bad and almost apologized for being a condescending jerk. Then I regained lack-of-conscience thought (as in not having a conscience not like I was unconscious). All this explains why I have no friends.

Also I like to use my blog post titles in each blog post for some reason. I also prefer them to be the conclusion when possible. Let's see if I can work this in. Something something blah blah passion without hilarity.


  1. You explain yourself really well; I'm actually kind of really impressed. And I understood every one of your sarcastic comments on facebook (and laughed at them), which is why I'm your only friend. You're welcome.

  2. Thanks. Some people think bad punctuation is the answer. It never is.
