Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby Back Bees Do It for the Queen

I was reading about karoshi today after seeing the above Dilbert cartoon. Karoshi, not to be confused with Yoshi, sushi, or karate, is a Japanese phenomenon. If you have never heard of karoshi, it's basically the dumbest thing you've never heard of. It means death by overworking.

I was reading on the all-knowing Wikipedia that it began after WWII and results from a communitarianism ideology (think bees). So it's communicable? That explains a lot. Really though, self induced slavery for the good of the hive mentality creates this epidemic. That's totally stupid. I'd rather spend my free time having no life.

So these Japanese men work their brains and muscles to dust for big corporations out of iunno, loyalty or honor or some such nonsense and what do they get for their extra unpaid labor? A heart attack at age 29 or stroke at 26. No wonder Americans are falling behind in education and productivity. We are sniffing roses while they're pollinating them.

Maybe I should stab my stomach with a pen right now for my dishonorable failure.

Nah I'm an American: we don't give in to authority like a baby back bee. I do what I want, bee!


  1. Bah. Go back to your work, worker bee.

  2. Can I stab you in the gut? I've always wanted to...what? Who we talking about?

  3. Stab me in the back. It hurts more.
