Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Domestically Disturbed or Aack! Our Backs!

So Rachel frequently "falls" down. These are what we call accidentals. Don't ask questions or you'll find yourself "falling" down some real ugly staircase. Anyway so Rachie "falls" a lot. For example last Wednesday she was trying to escape me outside ye olde yogurt shoppe, when I stepped on her shoe and she kissed the sidewalk. Serves her right: no one leaves me. Just kidding, lots of people leave me.

Last Thursday she fell down the stairs and hurt her bum something fierce. So as a good husband who wasn't the cause of this fall (or any if you know what's good for you) I ran to help her up and make sure she was as OK as she could be after falling backward while going down the stairs. If you need a diagram just imagine the most awkward walker bumping her bottom on the bottom stair.

So like I was saying, I ran to help her up. I hardly laughed at all. But as I pulled her up, my back broke in twain, maybe thrice (but who's counting?). So I worked through the pain and lifted her half way up before wincing like a little baby duckling being smooshed by a big black boot (possibly worn by an obese gorilla). Good thing she is used to drops 'cause I dropped her good!

I made it about six steps into the living room and sorta felt the sudden need to hug the ground for like 12 hours straight. So yeah that sucked. Anyway so that's basically it. Then I spent the next few days on my back. That was fun. Oh did I mention it only hurts now when I sit and I sit for 8 hours a day at work. That's cool. That's the story for which I will currently stick with.

Do I deserve this for making Rachel kiss the sidewalk. Two-timer!

There's another part to this story that will be blogged about real soon so stay tuned kids. It's the funniest/grossest/life alteringest part.


  1. That was hilarious. Poor Rachel and her fallings. She was the main point in this story, right?

  2. I found the parts you added! wow, way to go, me!

  3. Rachel plays the prominent role in all my blog posts.

    Good job Kristina. If I had a cookie I would eat it in front of you.
