Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The World Goblet of Fire

So the World Cup is over now. Go Spain, the land of my ancestors. Anyway so the good thing about the end of the World Chalice? Now all the anti-soccer hooligans can stop whining already.

Let's do some math (even though math can be difficult at times for football fans). The World Glass is once every 4 years, for 1 month. Football is every year for long periods of time. Ugh life is hard!

Complaint number 1: no one likes soccer (then why is it on TV, dummy?). Maybe if people keep telling me I don't like something, maybe eventually I won't like it (or I'll just be annoyed).

Complaint number 2: the scores are too low; therefore it is unexciting. Yeah I guess if the final score were 1 million to 1 million and 1 it would be more exciting than a 1:0 score. That was sarcasm. When points are of very little value, then scoring a point is hardly exciting in the grand scheme of things. Soccer has much more comeback potential. Whereas basketball games only go two ways (either it's basically a tie the whole game and it comes down to who shoots last when the buzzer runs out or it's a blow out (boooooring).

Complaint number 3: soccer players are whiners. This one is too ironic to comment on so I will let the anti-World Mug complainers whine nonstop about this one unhindered. . .

If the U.S. (aka white Americans) generally don't like soccer, it's because they are fickle about their sports. They only tie their hitches to winners. Everyone is a fan of the Lakers today because they are winners right now. But as soon as they become the Clippers, all the land will despise their stinking guts. That is why the country is glued to the TV to watch Olympic diving and swimming, because we win at those events. One day when the U.S. dominates in soccer (mayhap it will, mayhap it won't) then the fair-weather fans will watch.

Then the World Goblet of Fire will ignite in this country. At least until the U.S. team sucks again (then soccer will be dumb again).


  1. Mayhap I like winning teams and don't care much for losers. BTW, I'm quitting you as a friend. Unless you win something. Then we can talk again.

  2. Don't judge me just because you have a "winning" smile.

  3. Seriously, basketball is so boring. They just go back and forth over and over, what's the point of watching until the last 5 minutes? Plus, the game stops every 30 seconds for a foul. Ughers, indeed.

  4. Yeah if the last minute decides the outcome, why not make basketball games 1 minute long.
