Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Saturday Evening Blog Post

[Insert Norman Rockwell painting here of family eating ice cream on the stoop during a hot summer day while a puppy licks a young child's cone]

I noticed from preliminary survey results, that my blog is not considered very informativish. Well. It's not really.

So let me hit you with some knowledge.

If you are wondering who the frig is Norman Rockwell and why would I need to insert a painting of bygone yesteryear Americana, then you probably don't know what the Saturday Evening Post is. Maybe this whole reference is lost on you. I know the subtly is.

I've never actually read an issue of the Saturday Evening Post, but I do enjoy those Norman Rockwell covers. It appeals to me in a very cynical way, like it's a joke on the old days that only I get (it's not though). Anyway, the next time I go "steal" literature from the suckers at Barnes and/or Noble (i.e. sit and read for hours without buying nothing) I plan to peruse a copy in one of their comfy sofas.

Here is some more informative information for you to be struck by in the brainage areas. The magazine used to be a really popular source of entertaining prose from the best authors in the "biz." But the Saturday Evening Post eventually waned in popularity. You see after the 60s, general interest magazines like Life were becoming obsolete, as many smaller niche magazines offered more specific content to the readers. I am sure those hippies just flipped their free loven wigs when the first issue of High Times hit the shelves in 1974 (could hippies afford to buy magazines?). Anyway so after some troubled years, the Saturday Evening Post is now published bimonthly. Why the heck would they call it that if it isn't published every Saturday in the evening? You'd expect something with such precise nomenclature to live up to its name. It's a travesty really. Lies from the man.

But here is the trick. I can afford to write this boring informative blog without losing reader interest because like the misnomer in question, you aren't reading this blog on Saturdays. Yes. Weird. You see I recently noticed a trend on my Google analytics thing: my readership takes a nose dive every Saturday. This is probably because who the h wants to be on the computation machine when there is nature and such outside?

This proves that my blog serves an important function in the economy, distracting the drone from his/her/shis "work." See you bright and early for the Monday Morning Blog Post!


  1. I read it early Sunday morning. Does that count?

  2. I read your blog yesterday. I just happened to be at work...

  3. I read it on Sunday morning as well. But seriously, Saturdays are for sleeping and nature, not reading.
