Monday, August 23, 2010

Der Wienerschnitzel!

So my last last (maybe not the last) semester of school starts next week. I am taking the bane of my college existence, German, which I saved for last. I am not taking just one under credited, over graded, over worked juggernaut of things I will learn incorrectly and forget later; I am taking two. Yes double banes! German 201 and 202. This is gonna suck. That's 10 hours a week for two classes. Blegh. Ich bin something something nicht glucklich. Oh I forgot an umlaut. 5 points off, dummy.

Blast it all. I only took German in high school to go to Germany on my mission. Instead I went to Ohio, where they call vacuum cleaners sweepers. Do I get any credit at all for that? Not one measly credit.

German is straight up ruining my life. I could have graduated a year ago if it weren't for Deutsche.

I know what you're thinking (because you're predictable). Why don't I take Spanish? And I will ignore the part about me being Mexican. I am not taking Spanish because 1) Why should I? 2) I can't roll my Rs (or tacos) 3) I would have to start from el scratcho.

People always say wouldn't Spanish be more useful? I guess. I don't really know anyone (non-illegal?) who speaks Spanish but not English, so no it's only useful if I need to talk to gardeners or janitors. Actually I could have helped when I was a cook at Winger's.

Y de que color son tus pantelones?

Now that you all think I am racist (except for the Arizonans who are applauding the word illegal), I guess I'll just end this feisty fiesta by saying der wienerschnitzel, ya'll!


  1. hahaha, you could always practice rolling your R's and your tacos at the same time. you can only eat a taco after you've already successfully rolled an R and successfully rolled a taco

  2. He's really good at rolling his eyes, Kristina, as evidenced by this blog posting.

    And Jonathan: How did you get 201 and 202 in the same semester? Isn't that fundamentally wrong?

  3. Everything German is fundamentally wrong (sorry, Josh).
