Friday, August 20, 2010


Rachel started working carpet cleaning again. She hates working almost as much as not working. I know how that goes.

Her new coworker is one of those back-to-school old people who think their life experience trumps actual knowledge. Ugh—old people. Bleck.

When will old people learn ear hair doesn't grow because brain expansion pushes it out to make room for all the smarts they got!

Anyway, Rachie's family seems to think she will never enjoy any job she will ever have. We can't know that for sure until she has tried every job.

So far she has worked as a phone rep, retail lackey, janitorial chum bucket, and as an intern. If she doesn't like those cushy positions, what is left to try? CEO of a cotton candy corporation I guess. Or maybe she would like working as a loveable panda.

Now Rachel is trying to find a job she doesn't hate. That's like trying to catch a jackrabbit in a typhoon. Or like trying to fly like a raccoon. Or like sailing a walrus to the moon. This would make a good tune! Blog along with me 'til noon!

Maybe if she gets a happy tune she can bloggy while she works. Doo doo doo doo doo da doon.


  1. I think both of your suggestions sound awesome. Know any cotton candy corporations in need of a not-quite-graduated CEO or any place that needs a lovable panda for a reasonable fee?

  2. or she could be a human fly swatter
