Friday, April 30, 2010

My (Long Interruption Here Blah Blah Blah) “Style”

I (who am I? What am I?) have (I have it even though I am sharing it with the world? How deep) a (or really one of a great many boring styles to choose from) style (more like lack of style) that (and not which because I paid a lot of money to know when to use that and when to use which) seems (and by seems I mean for sure is) kinda (also known as completely) convoluted (I originally had the word retarded here but I thought it might be offensive even though there is no such thing as retarded people anymore: only special people; so why make a big fuss? Plus I really think convoluted really captures what it is I am going for here like if it isn't obvious already that I am making fun of my own ridiculous style of pausing in the middle of my own sentences to go on and on all convolutedly) when (does anybody really know what time it is? Does anyone really care?) I (seriously who am I?) write (writing to me implies using paper but I guess it works or I could have said type but it sounds less poetic) my (as if I can really call anything mine anymore. Now that I am married it should be ours right Rachel?) little (or big since it is growing into maturity) Feeling a Lil' Bloggy (feeling a lil' [lot]nauseous) blog (bring lots of guffaws) posts (random weird annoyances is more like it. Seriously these things go on and on about all this gibberish and I call this a style? I bet people hate how I can't write a simple sentence like "I have a style that seems kinda convoluted when I write my little Feeling a Lil' Bloggy blog posts" without some big long sidetrack about this and that [now I am sounding like that fat little fish from "The Little Mermaid" {"this is this and that is that}]).