Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Here’s Looking at You (Creepily)

Alternate titles: "Feeling a Lot Bloggy" or "I See You: Stalking My Blog Stalkers"

So in one of my previous blog posts I mentioned that more people would read some jerk's t-shirt than my blog. As painful as that truth was (not very: only 1 tear shed), it revealed something a little surprising. I have more than the expected five blog readers. I have about five regulars who comment quite regularly and a few irregulars who comment quite irregularly—also a few irregular regulars who irregularly comment regularly (try saying that 50 times real fast). These are basically family/psudofamily/pretty much family/soon-to-be-family-in-4-days types. But I had several people comment in person (people still communicate this way?) that they read this or that blog about this random dumb occurrence or the other. So I wondered how many people read this boring long obnoxious garbage? I originally only started writing this because Rachel wanted me to. I was feeling just a 'lil bloggy at the time. But I guess other people also don't totally hate it. That's nice.

So Rachel found a way for me to stalk my blog stalkers. So now I know yesterday I had 26 visits—half from me probably (I am such a smart charming handsome narcissist, can you blame me?)—from four Southwestern states, mostly Utah. Those crazy Mormons love me. I had 19 unique visitors. Do I even know 19 people? I guess I am feeling a lot bloggy, since I have been posting these things daily now. So thanks I guess if you are reading this. I am not sure exactly what I am thanking you for but here's looking at you, kids. That isn't a creepy thing to say at all.


  1. At least you're not watching the elementary school playground...yet. That's going to be even creepier.

  2. Good thing we won't have any windows ya?

  3. Are you using Google Analytics? But I think that can only track IP addresses, so multiple people who use the same computer are only counted as one.

  4. Ya so I am counting "family" visits then.

  5. I read your blog guy! And I would be a regular commenter, but it took me forever to learn how. wow, am I smart or what? don't answer that. your welcome for being on of the pseudo-family/soon to be family in 4 days.

  6. Keep posting your updates to facebook...helps us irregulars keep up on your posts. And i love stalkers keeps you wondering.

  7. Kristina, thanks for your first relevant comment. JK. But not really.

    Alisa, will do. Irregulars made this country great. Whatever that means.

  8. Um...Where do I fall in your categories? I couldn't figure that one out.

  9. Camilla, you are soon to be kind of technically family.
