Saturday, September 4, 2010


Thinking early about Halloween. So in recent years I have become shallow about my costumes. I believe in being inventive: none of this store bought crap costume requiring little to no real thought for me, no sir (accessories are fine store bought though). I also think costumes should try to be scary. Butterflies are not scary. Unless it's Mothra. I guess that's more of a moth. Whatever!

Anyway so I started a theme of scary versions of dead authors. I did Zombie Shakespeare two years ago and last year I was Vampiric Edgar Allan Poe. I could be a something-scary Mark Twain this year. I was thinking if doing in the future a Mummified Pres. Lincoln, Ax Wielding George Washington (presidents wrote stuff), and a wolfwoman Jane Austen. Maybe a super evolved Charles Darwin with bear claws and a tiger tail?

But then I had a new thought just moments ago. What about going as something else kinda funny that people won't really get, a scare quote!

If you are wondering what a scare quote is, it is the quotes people use to make something sound suspicious. For example the Board of "Education" says we should teach "mathematics" to our children. You can pick up what is being lain (laid, lay, layla?) down by me. I have no idea how to visually represent it. It'll come.

I still got mucho dinero and timo to decido (don't try getting this random Mexicano reference: it's idiotic gibberish).

Anyway, I am sure we will all have a "happy" Halloween.