Friday, September 24, 2010

Agreed to Pronoun Disagree

Fun grammar lesson begins now.

'K so everyone knows what a pronoun is yeah? Der, it's a noun that holds a professional degree.

No actually it's a word that takes the place of a lazy noun who doesn't want to be involved anymore. Anyway so when you use a noun then use a pronoun, that pronoun is supposed to act in proxy for the noun, known as an antecedent. Just remember nouns are ants that protest farming; they're anti-seed-ants (I wish I could draw a little Flik with a sign reading "No more harvesting!").

Anyway when a pronoun is used after a noun that it shouldn't represent, this means the pronoun does not agree with the noun. The technical jargon for this is inner sentence infighting. Not really, but as if you know the diff.

So why does this matter? It causes the death of untold millions (untold because it would be a lie).

Still look at this seemingly innocuous sign.

Pretty dumb huh? You might be wondering dumb, why dumb?

Well you see in the second part, the pronoun "it" can only be referring to the noun phrase "txtng & drivng." So instead of saying "the convo can wait," it is actually saying that texting and driving can wait. So the message is text and drive but not right now. Later. Procrastinate the day of your text driving.

Anyway he is it and I am he and she are all together.


  1. I always knew procrastination was a good thing!

  2. No, the phrase still makes sense because the antecedent refers to the combination of texting AND driving. Those two together can wait, not one or the other individually.
