Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Two Rings or They Went to Jared’s!

Two for the Dark Lords on their dark thrones,

In the land of Zion where the shadows lie.

Two Rings to rule them all, Two Rings to find them,

Two Rings to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them,

In the land of Utah where the shadows lie.


So it turns out that the one ring I bought my fiancée is the same exact style as the engagement ring of power that her brother bought for his fiancée. Twiners! Good thing we also proposed on the same day. He went to Jared's. Wait me too!


  1. All that is diamond shall glitter,
    For all those who counted the cost;
    The gold that is strong will not wither,
    Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

    I think it's super cool.

  2. Diamonds...glittery...You lost me at the diamond part.
