Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Greedy Pigeon and the Thrifty Swallow

By Sir Elder Reddoch

There was once a beautiful grove of trees where a large community of birds lived. It was autumn and all the birds of the forest gathered together all their food and seeds for a big feast and festival. But two birds were absent from the festivities. They were the Greedy Pigeon and the Thrifty Swallow. When asked why they were not participating, the Greedy Pigeon replied angrily, "I have not spent so much time collecting and saving seeds just to give it all away!"

The Thrifty Swallow answered when asked, "Oh I'm saving my seeds for a raining day, just in case."

All the other birds of the grove had a wonderful time at the autumn festival. Afterward, little seed was left. They had eaten until they were full then ate some more. Months past, then came winter. The birds of the forest soon found that their food supply was all but diminished. They hadn't enough food to last until spring. They didn't know what to do. Until Blue Jay the wise old bird remembered their conversation with Thrifty Swallow and Greedy Pigeon. So Blue Jay and many other birds quickly flew over to Thrifty Swallow's nest. Thrifty Swallow invited them into his home and asked them what the matter was.

They told him they were on the brink of starvation. So Thrifty Swallow took a swallow's portion of seed and put it away in his cupboard. Then he told his guests to divide the rest amongst themselves. They cried "oh our savior!" and left filled and grateful.

Soon word spread abroad of the great deed of Thrifty Swallow. So another starving group of birds from the forest came to Thrifty Swallow's home. He told them he was sorry but his food supply was all gone, but that they should go visit Greedy Pigeon because he had much to spare. So this group flew to Greedy Pigeons house and pleaded for him to give of his abundance. But he refused even though he had more than he could ever eat in a lifetime. He told them to leave his home. He didn't care if they starved to death.

So the starving birds pulled everyone of Greedy Pigeons feathers out. Then peaked out his eyes and yanked apart his flesh. They separated each one of his bones and devoured him completely. Because Greedy Pigeon was so plump, he was able to feed all the birds in the grove that day and they didn't even need to touch his food supply until spring came. Then they held a magnificent banquet in Thrifty Swallow's honor because he saved them all.

And thus we see that for those who have faith and trust in the Lord everything will work out. We can liken this story unto ourselves. Each of us has to gain a large testimony so that when things get difficult we can support others with our abundance of testimony.


  1. That's exactly what I thought the lesson was as I read the story! Awesome.

  2. My lesson is to put on a false show so I can eat in abundance and not be eaten. If the Greedy Skyrat had went to the banquet and brought a little bit, he would have been able to gorge then, and wouldn't have starved to death. His downfall wasn't his greed, it was the other birds' greed. And their beaks. For eye "peaking".

  3. I thought the moral of the story was cannibalism = true path to happiness.

  4. You are all correct. This should be in a children's book.
