Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Difference Is Like Day and Nyq

Nyquil is candy in a bottle. It's yum yum in my tum tum. I can't get enough of that sweet sweet stuff. Me likey. But Dayquil is poison in a bottle. What the crab Dayquil? How is being gross gonna help me get through my day? You suck Dayquil. I hate you so much. Why can't you get with the program! I want my drugs to encourage me to use them like Alice and her random drugs that she finds. "Drink me." A good drug should invite the user to abuse. That's all I am saying. Just a spoonful of sugar is all I am asking for, and some alchy don't hurt either. I wish it were night right now. Mmmmm Nyquil. . .


  1. You could always add your own sugar. Or mix drugs. Those both sound like wise solutions to me.

  2. A Dayquil cocktail! Sounds awesome, Rachel. We'll get together later and experiment...
