Sunday, March 28, 2010

I Need Redemption from Shawshank

So the Shawshank Redemption in one of my favorite movies. It is about hope. It's funny, dramatic, and inspiring. So the other night Rachel and I were looking at movies to watch on Netflix; I said "oh, I love the Shawshank Redemption. It's one of my favorite movies."

I then say "it's based on a Stephen King novella, or novelette or whatever it's called. [The opening credits call it a short novel. Probably because people are too dumb to know what a novella is]." Then I point out that it is not a scary movie but a hope inspiring tale.

She says, "if it is one of your favorite movies let's watch it." She asks what it's about. I summarize it as a prison break movie about a guy who was framed for a murder he didn't commit akin to the Count of Monte Cristo, which she has never seen either (she hasn't seen 99.99% of movies). I should point out that I have seen this movie about a bajillion times because TNT shows it hourly. But I have only seen it on TNT. Apparently TNT edits out a lot of F words. . .who knew?

So after three minutes (and 500 curse words) into the movie, here is a sex scene I don't recall. Fast forward. Five minutes into the movie, a fat guy is brutally beaten to death. Rachel is crying and can't watch. She is turned away. So I suck. Teary eyed she pleads to keep "watching" with her back turned since it is one of my favorite movies. So if you haven't seen this movie it has a happy ending which could be summed up by the brilliant narration of Morgan Freeman (seriously he was born to narrate "Andy crawled to freedom through five hundred yards of [s word] smelling foulness I can't even imagine, or maybe I just don't want to. Five hundred yards... that's the length of five football fields, just shy of half a mile." See most of the movie is that foulness then comes the happy part. But I don't think my little Rachie could handle 5 football fields of foulness (pssst I am speaking in metaphors).

I am not a total jerk so I turned it off despite her wailing not to. No wonder Netflix makes recommendations based on my interest in "violent films." Now I need redemption from this emotional trauma I forced on her. Did I mention how much I suck?



  1. Morgan Freeman is a great narrator. And I'm sorry that I'm apparently incapable of appreciating great film.

  2. I have the cleanflix version. Never saw a brutal beating or a sex scene and there are no curse words. The clean movie is amazing. Rachel--it's yours. Jonathan--you really do suck.

  3. The cleanflix version? I want a copy. I'll trade you for the cleanflix version of Office Space, which only cuts out just a lil bit.

  4. I have the dirty version of Office Space. That breast exam needs to be cut out. . .

    Oh and "Lumberg [beeped] her" over and over.

  5. Wow Jonathan, I can't believe you would force an R-rated movie upon my clean and pure cousin Rachel, who probably hasn't seen very many PG-13 movies in her life, if any. Shame on you! But yes, it is a good movie, and don't feel too bad, after 4 years of marriage I decided to take my wife to "The Producer's" knowing full well she wouldn't like it, but wanting to see it (it was here in Vegas and staring Tony Danza). Yeah that required some redemption on my part.

    This is cousin Jonathan by the way

  6. Yeah it wasn't Rated R on TV. . .

    Tony Danza was great on Who's the Boss
