Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Need Practice Being Funny

So I just spoke to my father. We're reaaaal close as this following interaction will demonstrate. I called him to get his address to send a wedding announcement (yes he already knew I was engaged). He lives in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He explained that Las Cruces meant the crosses. Then he commented on me not knowing my heritage. I said "My Scottish heritage?" That is a joke. For those of you who don't know, I am half Mexican and my white side (the side I publically claim) goes back to Scotland. He said no (as if I were totally stupid) and said, "No your Spanish heritage. Las Cruces is Spanish."

Then he said "¿Cómo te llamas?"

To which I speedily replied, "También!"

He pointed out that was completely wrong and that he asked what my name was. I timidly explained, "I know. I was making a joke. I do that sometimes."

He said "Oh you're not very good at it then. But it's because you don't do it very often. You need practice."

Triple digit ouch! So apparently I don't joke often enough and as a result am terrible at it. I am too serious and that is fo' sho'. I need practice. Can someone help me?


Let me try a joke:

I will start us off and you provide the missing funny lines. How about a priest and rabbit joke? People like those right?


So a rabbit and a priest go into a bar. The rabbit sits down next to priest and says (1)"_______________."

The priest (2. Verb) _________ and (3. Verb)______________ all over the (4. Noun)________.

Then the (4)__________ and (5)_____________ does this thing and then (6)_______________.

Some stuff happens and then the priest says "are you kosher!"


  1. 1. Alakazam
    2. kicks
    3. jumps
    4. floor
    4. floor
    5. bouncer
    6. the world ends!

    Hmm. I think I need practice being funny also. Or you need a different mad-lib.

  2. Yeah, you are terrible. But since you have never tried being funny once in your life, I say not bad for a first try.

  3. Oh my gosh, this was the funniest blog I have ever read. Tambien!

  4. The same thing happens to me, and I'm the only one laughing, and I know he's not going to laugh or get it. But then other times I say things knowing he will get it. You have to know your audience.

  5. Here is the thing, though Nitsy. He thinks I never joke because I never joke with him. I lived with the man a whole year and I don't ever remember joking at all except for a few smart-bottomed remarks to the crazy exwife of his. I just figured hey why not try being myself for once. Tested the waters. Those waters were no good.

  6. You are hilarious!!! I'm dying here!!!!
