Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ritual Suicide

So Hulu has a way of showing the same advertisements ad nauseam (haha good cliched pun, no?) until you want to buy their product, then they keep at it until you want to murder yourself with said product. Anyway they finally stopped showing me this Stella Artois commerical (no I never got around to buying some. . .). But it is so ingrained in my brain that I can't ever delete it. And I hate it. Every word. You watch it, then I'll complain about it in detail.

OK so first of all, this beer is so pretentious that it needs its own ritual.

And there are only two steps to this ritual, and they are very simple and generic and kind of common sense even. The first is using a clean glass. I don't drink the alchy, but if I did, I would assume the glass I drank out of was cleaned beforehand. I drink me plenty of sody-pop and it better be served in a clean glass. Or the health inspector and I will be having words.

What are they saying, that poor beer is undeserving of clean glassware? The 99% won't like being told that.

Then the second step to this ritual is that the glass is tilted slightly. So? Don't they do that with every single other beer ever? Even of the apple and root variety?

Also annoying: the word chalice. And the fact that I had to find the link on a website called, and not

Anyway, so this commercial infuriates me. That's all.

If I have to watch it one more time, I might have to commit ritual suicide. Step one: clean knife. Step two: hold knife slightly at an angle. Step three: you know the rest.


  1. Haha, I love that you said you haven't gotten around to buying some of the product. It was only after I started watching the commercial that I realized it was a beer.

  2. You're just jealous that we don't have any chalices for your sody-pop.
