Monday, April 18, 2011

De Moded

This is a story about the one time I was really excited and positive about something. Ever. So I recently started an MBA program from Western Governors University (WGU). FYI this school is awesome and you don’t even know OK! Sorry, I had to get my defensiveness out of the way early. So anyway, this school is pretty cool. Whatevs. So I got my results back from my first assessment that I have been waiting for. If you don’t know what an assessment is, it’s basically a test. Anyway so they provide comments on the results. There are several sections but you have to pass them all (and it’s open book so no big deal). FYI I totally passed. So here is the comments I found waiting for me this morning: Great job on this task! All aspects of the task are acceptable; the task is complete. Keep up the great work! Sweeeet. So I am awesome and stuff. Possibly the smartest person alive. So in hubris, I read the comment aloud to my coworkers and post this feedback verbatim on Facespace. Then someone replies with: Where are you getting your mba. Seems like a computer generated response. Moded! Dang. Too ashamed to admit WGU is an online unie, I reply with “you reply is computer generated.” That’ll show ‘em. So it turns out I suck and everything I stand for is lame. I was about three seconds away from emailing the evaluator department to investigate. What is this is just the same old crap they say to everyone automatically who passes? I don’t need to investigate. My heart tells me it is. Why wouldn’t they have a prewritten comment saying “’atta boy. Keep on trucking!”? I would. Who has time to write great job to everyone who passes? So I suck. No more positivity from me ever. From now on I’ll stick to handing out the moded not receiving them.


  1. Why come computer-generated props aren't as good as people-generated ones? Are you a roboticist?

  2. Nah, when I grade papers, I write stuff like that, but only for the people who did really well. If you hadn't actually done a good job, it would have just said "All aspects of the task are acceptable; the task is complete." Trust me.

    Anyway, the moral is, even if it was pre-generated, they decided to click the "good job" button instead of the "acceptable" button. Human/robot props.

  3. Western Governors University is a great online university. Check them out:
