Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lawyers Can “Solve” All Your “Problems”

I love these tax lawyer commercials.

"Haven't paid taxes in years?"

"Owe the IRS money?"

"The IRS relentlessly pursues their money! Call us."

What. The. Beep. I can't believe the IRS is trying so hard to get their money. What a bunch of criminals. It's almost as bad as these commercial for the credit card harassers. Credit card companies want the money they lent me? Well screw them. I am only gonna give them a little bit while I enjoy the things I bought with their money. It's their own fault for foolishly giving me their money. Time to file for chapter 11.

Why the h-e-double sippy straws would you need a lawyer for your tax problems? If you didn't pay your taxes in years, there is one solution: pay your d-word taxes, dummy. (d stands for dumb). I have no idea what a lawyer would do for your criminal self. You should pay your taxes. Period. If I have to pay that junk then so should everyone else.

"Don't be a victim of the IRS"

Um, yeah everyone is a victim of the IRS (unless you like paying taxes). Thems the breaks, sucker. If you don't like paying the Man, try not making any money and see how that works out for you. I hope these lawyers aren't able to actually do anything for these morons not paying their taxes. Another idea: go to jail and then you won't ever have to pay taxes; you will be getting paid from the government. That would stick it to the Man.

Tax lawyers are the worst of the worst. Roni Deutch is the real criminal. Not really though. There is no law against evil intentions.


  1. No, I think you're wrong there, Tax lawyers are not the worst. Not paying taxes never killed anyone.
    You know who the worst are....
    Attorneys claiming they can get you out of DUI charges. Those are the scum of the Earth.

    Repeal the 19th Amendment!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh, my bad. I mean the 16th.

    Repeal the 16th Amendment!!!!!!

  3. No you were right the first time.

  4. Also not paying taxes makes people die form lack of free healthcare. Haven't you seen Sicko!
